Chapter 97

Rebuilding a Kingdom with Modern Knowledge Cheat

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It’s just a nuisance now.
Then a few days later, I was dragged to the palace by Anton. His Majesty Liamus had summoned us both together. I really didn’t want to come, but I didn’t have the courage to say no to the summons from the most powerful man in the country, so I reluctantly complied.

At least I was lucky that I wasn’t alone with Anton in the carriage. Dora was allowed to accompany me. But since servants are not allowed to follow me into the palace, she is to stay in the carriage.
I was tempted to turn back when Dora called out to me from inside the carriage, “Take care of yourself,” when we arrived at the palace. I couldn’t act on it, though.

“Since when were you in contact with His Majesty?”
“Who knows?”

As I entered the palace with Anton’s escort, he asked me about it. It’s not that I’m not close to His Majesty. We only exchanged a few words once. And yet Anton looked at me suspiciously. Does he think that I have become friends with His Majesty without his knowledge?

“He came to visit when you were away and we talked for a bit.”

Let me say this so that there is no misunderstanding. I have no intention of getting to know His Majesty in any way. Anton seemed to have a purpose and was constantly trying to invite His Majesty to his mansion. It was clear that he was trying to scheme something, as it seemed that his companions had also called for leave on that day.
Anton had tried to invite His Majesty to the mansion, but His Majesty hadn’t responded, not only because he was paranoid, but also because Fii and the others had been working in the shadows.
When the date of His Majesty’s scheduled visit was set, His Majesty’s health wasn’t good, or Anton had an errand to run, so they delayed the contact as much as possible.


Fii said that they had associates in this country, and those associates had their own people in the castle.
I’m not sure what Anton’s purpose is. Does Fii have any idea? He hasn’t shown up today, but according to Dora, he left for the palace first. That’s what I was told. I heard that Fii was in charge of an intelligence unit, so he’s probably sneaking in.

When I was in Ligisia, I had been told that His Majesty Liamus was a belligerent man, so I thought he was a strong man who would usually think of attacking another country. But His Majesty, whom I met in person, seemed to be so ordinary that I couldn’t believe he was the king of this country. I couldn’t sense any malice. I was surprised by that.
Moreover, he also knew that Anton was deceiving him that he was the son of the crown princess. That very King summoned us both. I shuddered because I couldn’t imagine what was going to happen now.

“What is it, Yurika? Are you cold?”
“Not really…”

Why do I find myself in this situation? He’s someone who didn’t care for me when we first got married. I don’t feel like bonding with him now even if he was being nice to me, but I still think he was better than, when we met.
He didn’t treat me as a special person in those days, but a political marriage partner. He was the one who has been cold to me while we were newlyweds. Still, we kept a good distance thanks to Noah between us, and we recognized each other as our co-mates in life. There was no love, but there was a kind of friendship.

It’s just a nuisance now. He and I were officially divorced. He was supposed to be a stranger to me now. So how did this happen? If this was the beginning of his elopement, I would believe him if he told me that it was all an act, even if it was a lie, but now I don’t have those feelings. My trust in him had waned to the point where I was forced to doubt him every time he did something.

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