Chapter 15

Rebuilding a Kingdom with Modern Knowledge Cheat

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Insects hatch everywhere.
At that moment, a certain man was summoned to His Majesty’s office. The man frowned at his Lord’s call, but kneeled down without any courtesy. The man was working in the secret unit while serving under General Garland. He was also known as the General’s right-hand man.

“Your Majesty. I came answering your call.”
“You returned at last, Vagabond.”
“You are a rude friend. I was going to take it easy on my long-earned vacation.”

The man’s attitude was composed in front of the man who ruled the entire country. The Emperor had not shown any signs of finding fault with the man. That’s because the man was related to the Emperor, and they were also very close friends.

“Now, don’t say that. I do find myself at fault this time. How were the movements in your homeland of Troyl?”
“It’s calm on the surface, but there’s some internal strife still going on. I heard from those who went there after us that the Lord General has been dismissed, but they don’t seem to be giving up just yet.”
“You have it hard, also. How about it? Are you prepared to succeed General?”
“You must be joking. Doesn’t General have a proper successor? I don’t want to be involved in unnecessary strife.”
“A proper successor, huh. He’s a short-sighted man with no flexibility.”
“How can you say that yourself?”
The man stared at His Majesty. His eyes were blaming him. His Majesty apologized honestly.

“Forgive me. I was too joyous at that time.”
“Of course you were. You secured the woman you fell for and you wanted to share that happiness with that woman’s little sister.”
“I’m telling you that I was wrong. How long are you going to keep reminding me of that matter?”


The man looked at His Majesty with an unimpressed gaze.

“It seems that there is an unwanted insect flying around that successor. Are you aware? Even the pitiful madam doesn’t know.”
“… What? That stiff Anton? I have not received any reports related to that.”
“Insects hatch everywhere. Especially the pretty ones.”

The man’s expression twisted in ridicule.

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