Chapter 23

Rebuilding a Kingdom with Modern Knowledge Cheat

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I dislike rain. The raindrops that fall on my body will freeze and cover me from head to toes in ice.
The precision of Heat detection would drop and it would impair my movement.
And above all, monsters also prefer to remain hidden from the rain.

I sit on the resting place’s rubble as always.
Neesan is sleeping soundly as usual. Basically, she won’t get up until night no matter what.
To be able to sleep so deeply is unusual.

…… Well, putting that aside.

I’ve been finally able to use Magic Profess on my own after closing my eyes and concentrating.
So far, the information flowed into my head automatically.
Although special magic should be quite simple to use with one’s own intention, it seems that I don’t have a talent for magic.
Still, being able to use it is a godsend.

Race Name: Freezing Undead
Classification: Immortal ・ Pseudo-human variety
Attribute: Ice
Rank: 2
Individual Name: Himuro Takahina
Present Magic Power/Magic Power Containment Limit: 738/1621

The provided information is about myself.
Apart from race and attributes, the numerical value of strength is also showing.
In comparison to monsters of the plains, my combat capability is roughly above average.
My Present Magic Power is amounting to about 40% of my Magic Power Containment Limit.
If I have such ability right now, after Evolution, I should have enough power to kick monsters of the plains around.
I’m hunting only to live. Surely, I will be able to regain life next time.

After confirming my ability, I cancel the Profess.
I’ve got a sudden idea and carry it out.

Race name: Vampire Lord
Classification: Immortal ・ Demon King variety
Attribute: Darkness
Rank: 9 (MAX)
Individual Name: Vermut Elsaroad
Present Magic Power: 126,538

…… The hell is this?


I checked Vermut Neesan’s stats out of curiosity.
I’ve recognized that Neesan is extremely strong, but the numerical value is out of this world.
I can’t even imagine such power coming out of her slim body.
The fearsome Magic Power that exceeds 100,000. Is the limit not shown because the rank is maxed?
The height, weight and three sizes…… It would be bad to look at it without permission.
I cancel the Profess. When the Profess is intentionally invoked, there is miscellaneous information mixed in. It’s a little inconvenient.
Practicing is required, but perhaps because my understanding of magic is low, it does not go well.
Since I get information during a battle without permission, it could become inconvenience any time.
Failure is the Mother of Success. I admire the people of the past.

Anyway, I have understood that Neesan is out of the norms.
To be picked by such a person may have been my greatest luck.
If not for her, I would have already disappeared from this world a long time ago.
No can’t thank her enough.
How can I return Neesan this great debt of gratitude?

I wait until the time Neesan wakes up and go to her room.
I knock on the door lightly and hear the sound of movement in return.
It seems that I’m exactly on time.

I enter the room after waiting for approximately 10 minutes.
Neesan who sits on her bed in dressing gown still half-asleep looks at me.
Her beautiful blonde hair was still little disarranged.
I take a comb and spray from the shelf and pull a stool.
Neesan sits slowly on that stool while rubbing her eyes.
She sits with her back facing me, I wet her hair with the blood spray and comb her hair.
In order not to pull, I comb gently and carefully.

I am now completely accustomed to this job.
Neesan is bad at getting up.
Therefore, after she wakes up, it’s hard to fix her appearance.
Dressing up aside, fixing her bed hair requires a detailed operation.
Because of her exquisiteness, most people probably wouldn’t notice her bed hair, but I can’t help but be bothered by it.
Thus, because of that, I have volunteered to comb Neesan’s hair after she wakes up.

I noticed that her hair grew again while combing.
Her bangs are especially in the way.
When I tell Neesan that the hair needs to be cut, she obediently nods.
They were obstructing her after all.

It’s not necessary to use scissors.
After returning the spray to its place, I fit Neesan’s hair with my nails.
I cut the hair with my nails just like that.
These nails can cut better than incompetent scissors.
I finish the haircut quickly and collect the hair which fell on the ground.
And then, I gulp that hair down.

If you ask me why did I do such thing, that’s because Neesan’s hair contains quite a lot of Magic power.
In other words, it’s for Evolution. I, who hunt a lot of demon beasts and demon insects naturally may inherit their properties in the next Evolution.
Therefore, I occasionally eat Neesan’s hair.
I’m told that Neesan’s high-quality magic may take priority during the Evolution.
I who can’t kill Pseudo-humans is grateful to death.
Because even if I Evolve and obtain a living body, I don’t want to become an insect.
Although the hair I eat is low in quantity, but if I have to choose between that and killing Pseudo-humans, there’s no need to think.
…… I can’t even tell the taste anyway.

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